API Reference

Human All Endpoints

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Health Data Endpoints

All the POST methods returns the status 201 Created and the UUID is included in the route specified by the Location header that is passed in Response Headers.

Human Summary Resources
GET /api/v2/human/human_summary Returns a summary object for person’s latest health metrics
Activity Resources
GET /api/v2/human/activities Returns the user’s current activities readings
GET /api/v2/human/activities/{code} Returns specific activity reading
GET /api/v2/human/activities/daily/{date} Returns a list of all activities readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/activities/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of all activities between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/activities Creates an activity resource
PUT /api/v2/human/activities/{code} Updates activity resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/activities/{code} Deletes the specified activity resource
Activity Summary Resources
GET /api/v2/human/blood_glucoses Returns the user’s current blood glucose readings
GET /api/v2/human/blood_glucoses/{code} Returns specific blood glucose reading
GET /api/v2/human/blood_glucoses/daily/{date} Returns a list of all blood glucose readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of all blood glucose readings between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses Creates a blood glucose resource
PUT /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses/{code} Updates a blood glucose resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses/{code} Deletes the specified blood glucose resource
Blood Glucose Resources
GET /api/v2/human/blood_glucoses Returns the user’s current blood glucose readings
GET /api/v2/human/blood_glucoses/{code} Returns specific blood glucose reading
GET /api/v2/human/blood_glucoses/daily/{date} Returns a list of all blood glucose readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of all blood glucose readings between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses Creates a blood glucose resource
PUT /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses/{code} Updates a blood glucose resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/bood_glucoses/{code} Deletes the specified blood glucose resource
Blood Oxygen Resources
GET /api/v2/human/blood_oxygens Returns the user’s current blood oxygens readings
GET /api/v2/human/blood_oxygens/{code} Returns specific blood oxygens reading
GET /api/v2/human/blood_oxygens/daily/{date} Returns a list of all blood oxygens readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/bood_oxygens/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of all blood oxygens between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/blood_oxygens Creates a blood oxygen resource
PUT /api/v2/human/blood_oxygens/{code} Updates a blood oxygen resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/blood_oxygens/{code} Deletes the specified blood oxygen resource
Blood Pressure Resources
GET /api/v2/human/blood_pressures Returns the user’s current blood pressures readings
GET /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/{code} Returns specific blood pressure reading
GET /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/daily/{date} Returns a list of blood pressures readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/bood_pressures/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of blood pressures between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/blood_pressures Creates a blood pressure resource
PUT /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/{code} Updates a blood pressure resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/{code} Deletes the specified blood pressure resource
Body Fat Resources
GET /api/v2/human/blood_pressures Returns the user’s current blood pressures readings
GET /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/{code} Returns specific blood pressure reading
GET /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/daily/{date} Returns a list of blood pressures readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/bood_pressures/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of blood pressures between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/blood_pressures Creates a blood pressure resource
PUT /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/{code} Updates a blood pressure resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/blood_pressures/{code} Deletes the specified blood pressure resource
Body Mass Index Resources
GET /api/v2/human/bmis Returns the user’s current body mass indexes readings
GET /api/v2/human/bmis/{code} Returns specific body mass index reading
GET /api/v2/human/bmis/daily/{date} Returns a list of body mass index readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/bmis/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of body mass index between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/bmis Creates a body mass index resource
PUT /api/v2/human/bmis/{code} Updates a body mass index resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/bmis/{code} Deletes the specified body mass index resource
Fall Resources
GET /api/v2/human/falls Returns the user’s current fall readings
GET /api/v2/human/falls/{code} Returns specific fall reading
GET /api/v2/human/falls/daily/{date} Returns a list of fall readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/falls/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of falls between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/falls Creates a fall resource
PUT /api/v2/human/falls/{code} Updates a fall resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/falls/{code} Deletes the specified fall resource
Genetic Resources
GET /api/v2/human/genetics Returns the user’s current genetic readings
GET /api/v2/human/genetics/{code} Returns specific genetic reading
POST /api/v2/human/genetics Creates a genetic resource
PUT /api/v2/human/genetics Updates a genetic resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/genetics/{code} Deletes the specified genetic resource
Heart Rate Resources
GET /api/v2/human/heart_rates Returns the user’s current heart rate readings
GET /api/v2/human/heart_rates/{code} Returns specific heart rate reading
GET /api/v2/human/heart_rates/daily/{date} Returns a list of heart rate readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/heart_rates/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of heart rate between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/heart_rates Creates a heart rate resource
PUT /api/v2/human/heart_rates/{code} Updates a heart rate resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/heart_rates/{code} Deletes the specified heart rate resource
Height Resources
GET /api/v2/human/heights Returns the user’s current height readings
GET /api/v2/human/heights/{code} Returns specific height reading
GET /api/v2/human/heights/daily/{date} Returns a list of heights readings for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/heights/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of heights between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/heights/{code} Creates a height resource
PUT /api/v2/human/heights/{code} Updates or updates a height resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/heights/{code} Deletes the specified height resource
Location Resources
GET /api/v2/human/locations Returns a list of location readings
GET /api/v2/human/locations/{code} Returns specific location reading
POST /api/v2/human/locations Creates a location resource
PUT /api/v2/human/locations/{code} Updates a location resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/locations/{code} Deletes the specified location resource
Meal Resources
GET /api/v2/human/meals Returns the user’s current meal readings
GET /api/v2/human/meals/{code} Returns specific meal reading
GET /api/v2/human/meals/daily/{date} Returns a list of meals for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/meals/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of meal between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/meals Creates a meal resource
PUT /api/v2/human/meals/{code} Updates a meal resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/meals/{code} Deletes the specified meal resource
Respiration Rate Resources
GET /api/v2/human/respiration_rates Returns the user’s current respiration rate readings
GET /api/v2/human/resiration_rate/{code} Returns specific respiration rate reading
GET /api/v2/human/respiration_rates/daily/{date} Returns a list of respiration rate for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/respiration_rates/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of respiration rates between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/respiration_rates Creates a respiration rate resource
PUT /api/v2/human/respiration_rates/{code} Updates a respiration rate resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/respiration_rates/{code} Deletes the specified respiration rate resource
Sleep Rate Resources
GET /api/v2/human/sleeps Returns the user’s current sleep readings
GET /api/v2/human/sleeps/{code} Returns specific sleep reading
GET /api/v2/human/sleeps/daily/{date} Returns a list of sleeps for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/sleeps/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of sleeps between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/sleeps Creates a sleep resource
PUT /api/v2/human/sleeps/{code} Updates a sleep resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/sleeps/{code} Deletes the specified sleep resource
Step Resources
GET /api/v2/human/steps Returns the user’s current steps readings
GET /api/v2/human/steps/{code} Returns specific step reading
GET /api/v2/human/steps/daily/{date} Returns a list of steps for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/steps/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of steps between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/steps Creates a step resource
PUT /api/v2/human/steps/{code} Updates a step resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/steps/{code} Deletes the specified step resource
Water Resources
GET /api/v2/human/waters Returns the user’s current water readings
GET /api/v2/human/waters/{code} Returns specific water reading
GET /api/v2/human/waters/daily/{date} Returns a list of waters for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/waters/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of waters between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/waters Creates a water resource
PUT /api/v2/human/waters/{code} Updates a water resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/waters/{code} Deletes the specified water resource
Weight Resources
GET /api/v2/human/weights Returns the user’s current weight readings
GET /api/v2/human/weights/{code} Returns specific weight reading
GET /api/v2/human/weights/daily/{date} Returns a list of weights for specific date
GET /api/v2/human/weights/period/{startDate}/{endDate} Returns a list of weights between start and end date
POST /api/v2/human/weights Creates a weight resource
PUT /api/v2/human/weights/{code} Updates a weight resource
DELETE /api/v2/human/weights/{code} Deletes the specified weight resource

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